Welcome to Simply Jov's Website!

About Us!

Simply Jov is a makeup line for girls looking for more of a natural/quick look. This is a makeup line for the every day woman. All of our products are vegan/cruelty free. We are trying to teach women that you do not need pounds and pounds of makeup in order to be beautiful. Women are beautiful just the way they are.

Check out our Twitter Page: Simply_JovCos.

Meet The Owner!

Raven Jovanelly is the owner of Simply Jov. She is 21 years old. She is from Harrisburg, PA. Raven wanted to make this makeup line because she felt like no one represented the every day girl. She felt like people were creating looks you can only wear to an event or to party but what about the simple/everyday girl? Raven is a simple/every day girl. She does not like to wear pounds and pounds of makeup. Her simpliest look is eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick but that's if she even has the time between work and school. So, Raven decided to take matters into her own hands and create something truly amazing and simple for that everyday girl.

The Definition of True Beauty:

Beauty isn't just about what is on the outside. It is about what is on the inside as well. It is about the overall person themselves.

Products We Have So Far:

About Our Weekly Beauty Tips:

We will give weekly beauty tips every Monday. The weekly beauty tips will be about skincare, makeup, hair, etc. We will come up with affordable tips that will not cost you an arm and leg. We will stay as natural as we possibly can. We will come up with facial masks you can make with things you already have in your house that you never knew could be made into a mask. The list goes on and on.

Why We are Choosing To Stay Vegan/Cruelty Free:

We want to make a difference and end animal testing. We are determined to protect animals as much as we can. Animal testing does not tell us about how safe a product is for humans. Animals are subjected to invasive, painful procedures. We should be loving and protecting animals. We should not be hurting or killing them.


Where Can Simply Jov be purchased?

It can be purchased here on our website. It will also be available at Ulta Beauty. We are still in the works with other companies to get our product in their stores. As soon as we know, you guys will know as well.

Can we send samples of our products?

We can send samples of our products. We want you guys to try as much stuff as possible and give us your feedback. Then, if you like the samples you can buy as much of the product as you want.